Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What I'm Reading -- Week of April 1st

Hi all!

I'm excited to share what I'm reading with you each week.  Please comment and tell me and each other about what you're reading.

Right now I'm reading The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett.  It's a YA novel that's historical fiction, mystery, and fantasy.  It's about a teen in the early 1900's whose adventure-seeking father disappears while searching for a cursed ring that belonged to Vlad the Impaler (Dracula).

It's pretty good so far.  I think people who like mystery or adventure would like this book.

Here is a link to the summary on Amazon.

What are you reading?


  1. Right now I am reading Ghost Of Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. It is the sequel to Touching Spirit Bear. It about how Cole adapts to life as he goes back to minnesota and how his friendship with Peter gets better and better.

    1. How do you think it compares to the original? I haven't read that one yet, but maybe I will now.:)

  2. I am reading and olmost done I have less then 100 pages left and im reading cinder, It is about a girle how has to fit for her life becuase she is a ciborg and people fron on that, she meets the pince and later it all falles apart.

    1. Hi Katherine,

      I really liked that book too! Are you going to read the whole series? I only read the first one, but I'm thinking I might go back and read the others this summer.

  3. Still reading Count of Monte Cristo, currently 3/4 in

    1. so basically there is this guy, Edmond Dantes who is the first mate aboard a local overseas shipping company. However this over guy ho is jealous of him, Danglars, finds out he has a delivered a letter from the usurper, which during this time would be a crime of treason. So at his own wedding he is arrested and brought before the grand prosecutor, who looks over his crime and figures out a way to get a fortune from putting Dantes into prison. So he does and Dantes demands to see the grand prosecutor again and again until the prison warden has enough of him and throws him into the dungeons of the prison where he meets an abee with an uncanny intelligence. This abee teaches Dantes about literally everything, including about some treasure on some rock called Monte Cristo and dies of a double stroke. So Dantes escapes, robs a corpse, finds the treasure, moves into a neighborhood that coincidentally houses the grand prosecutor, Danglars and his former wife. He then goes on an extremely convoluted revenge plot against everyone who threw him into prison.

    2. Hi Logan,

      I know you've been working your way through this book for awhile now. How much do you have left? What do you think you'll read next?

  4. I am reading "Out Of Sight Out Of Time" by Ally Carter. I haven't read very much because I justed started but so far it has been a little confusing but really good. It is about this girl named Cammie but goes by Cameron. She is being hunt down by terrorist so she has to find a safe place. So far I got the the part where she goes missing for 4 months and finally someone found her but she doesn't remember anything.

    Mystery, Action

    1. Hi Emma,

      Is this her newest book? I haven't read that one yet, but I really liked some of her spy ones that she wrote earlier.

  5. I´m reading the Wings Of Fire I just started the 5 book its about five dragons that are suppost to stop a war.

    1. Hi Carlos! I've heard that is a great series. I haven't read it, but both of my own kids have, and they really like it. :)

  6. right now i dont a book but i read a lot in learning ally but left my book at home and im in mexico so um im just looking for some good book to read one learning ally while im over here

    1. Hi Nico! You can definitely read on Learning Ally. What kind of book are you looking for? If you check my website, the slide show with all the books I book talked this year is there. https://sites.google.com/lps.k12.co.us/mrsathertonswebsite/reading/independent-reading-resources

      Copy and paste this link into a new tab. Maybe you can find something there. :)

  7. Im currently reading the Lockwood & Co. series by Jonathan Stroud. I am on book 4 The Creeping Shadow and so far it has been a good book.

    1. Hi Kaitlyn,

      I've always wondered about these books. Are they all mysteries? I read a fantasy series by him called "The Bartimaeus Trilogy", and I really liked it! It was very funny too.

  8. I just finished a book called Delirium by Lauren Oliver. This book is set in Portland, Oregon in the far future. In this society, Love is considered a disease. So, once you turn a certain age you are required to get an operation that makes it impossible to feel certain emotions like love/romance. They call this the cure. An uncured girl named Lena begins to realize the true nature of her government. I thought this book was really cool and intense, i totally recommend it.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      I've always wanted to read this series. Are you going to read the other ones? Is there a lot of romance in this book? I enjoy those kinds of books. I hope you are well. :)

  9. iam currently reading the first book in the fablehave series its kinda about how thesetwo kids are staying at there grandpas over the summer and he lives on what he call it a preserve for magical animals

    1. That sounds interesting. There are a lot of books in that series, right? Which book are you on?
